Rooted in
the Rheingau

Stephan Sänger

From the very beginning, Stephan was fascinated by the versatility and development opportunities at Balthasar Ress: "There is an open ear for every suggestion and every suggestion for improvement." Stephan exudes a calmness and sovereignty that is totally important in the wine estate's busy day-to-day work.

While our Winery Operations Manager Markus likes to rely on his gut feeling, Stephan prefers to make decisions based on data, facts and blind samples. That's exactly why both are so valuable as a team.

Born in Hattenheim, Stephan has known the wine estate from an early age. So it's no wonder that his favorite wine is the VDP.GUTSWEIN >>Von Unserm<< Rheingau Riesling trocken, for which he was jointly responsible for from start to finish for the first time in the 2020 vintage with great results.

Read about the working philosophy Stephan follows to create fine wines.

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Saturday, 14.09.2024

Genießen Sie ein Event der Extraklasse in unserem malerischen Weinberg auf Sylt und wirken Sie an der Herstellung Ihrer eigenen



Winebar Wiesbaden shines in new splendor under new management

We are back!

After a long period of renovation, we were finally able to reopen the doors of our beloved Wiesbadener Weinbar & Vinothek.



92P for 2013 Hattenheim Nussbrunnen Riesling GG dry

We are delighted about the award from, in which our 2023 Hattenheim Nussbrunnen Riesling GG trocken achieved a top position