Our fine team members

Christian Ress likes to compare the wine estate to a clockwork, in which every cog is essential and every component depends on the other. The Balthasar Ress "clockwork" consists of a team of talented, likeable and motivated people who have been shaping the company for many years - both internally and externally. Some of them are presented here as representatives of many others.

Christian Ress

With courage and a inventiveness, Christian Ress has made Balthasar Ress what it is today: an internationally active wine estate with firm core values.

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Markus Roll

Markus is our operations manager and is responsible for production and national and international sales. With his experience he helps us to realize our vision.

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Julia Wolf

Cosmopolitan, Julia is responsible for the wine estate's export activities and ensures that Balthasar Ress is drunk in many beautiful places around the world.

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Tim Knauer

Tim Knauer is responsible for the perfect grapes. In doing so, he follows the motto: "Better to live with nature than to live from nature."

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Stephan Sänger

Raised in Hattenheim, Stephan is firmly rooted in the Rheingau and has been our cellar master and creating fine wines since 2019.

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Marius Baumeister

Marius is responsible for the domestic sales and as a Sales Representative he always has a >>Von Unserm<< with him in his luggage.

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Wilma Herke

She is the perfect guest hostess: well known in the Rheingau, engaged as a city guide, a hearty wine lover and passionate driver of the Riesling-Bulli.

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Dominic Nebel

Dominic, our sommelier, brings you closer to the world of wine and is your contact person for the Tatsting Room in Hattenheim, the online shop and the wineBANK Rheingau.

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Yanick Perabo

Yanick is a genuine Rheingau boy and very dedicated. In addition to managing the warehouse, he takes care of our ordering process and our IT infrastructure.

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Tatjana Engel

Tatjana manages together with her small, but fine Marketing team the wine estate's marketing activities and further develops the brand Balthasar Ress.

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