In a class
of its own

Rüdesheim Berg Schlossberg

With a slope of 70 percent, the Rüdesheimer Berg Schlossberg can call itself the steepest Rheingau vineyard. Named after the ruins of Ehrenfels Castle, the VDP.GROSSE LAGE® BERG SCHLOSSBERG is located in the bend of the Rhine, the so-called "Binger Loch", west of Rüdesheim and opposite Bingen and the Mäuseturm.

At an altitude of 120 to 160 meters above sea level, the vines of this site cling to the stony barren soils and are held together all around by the strong vineyard walls. Taunus quartzite and phyllite slate give our Great Growths from this site their characteristic signature of minerality and acidity.

The extreme slope of the Schlossberg does not make the predominantly manual work in the vineyard easy. However, it ensures that our vines can make the most of the intense sunlight. The soils are not uninvolved in this process. During the day, their dark surface absorbs and stores the heat and releases it back to the vines at night. The lower temperature difference between day and night causes optimal ripening of the berries. And lo and behold, the painstaking cultivation through classic winemaking craftsmanship does not go unnoticed, as our wines from the Rüdesheimer Schlossberg regularly achieve high ratings in competitions .

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