Zwerg Nase e. V.

As owner and managing director of the renowned Hattenheim winery Balthasar Ress, Christian Ress is always keen to do his bit for the region and especially for disadvantaged people. At Christmas in particular, he thinks of those who need support.

On December 22, 2022, Christian Ress gave the Zwerg Nase e.V. association a special treat. He personally donated and delivered numerous Christmas gifts for the children of the association. The association is committed to children and young people with rare diseases and offers them and their families extensive support and assistance.

With this action, he wants to raise awareness of the importance of volunteer work and encourage others to get involved in the community as well. Christian Ress believes that each of us has the opportunity to do good, regardless of our position in life. By working together, we can make a positive contribution and help ensure that those who need help receive support and do not stand alone.

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